Carpenter bees are one of the kinds of species that belong to the subfamily Xylocopiane. These bees are widely known for their habit of boring into wood. These carpenter bees are popularly known by different names, such as wood bees, honey bees, bumble bees, etc. They are very much popular for damaging the structure of the wood. They are also termed wood drilling insects. That is why homeowners look for diverse ways to get rid of carpenter bees. In this blog, we will cover everything that will help you know how to get rid of carpenter bees effectively.
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All that You Should Know about How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees
Many times, people are in a dilemma about whether carpenter bees are good for their house or not. As far as carpenter bees are concerned, they are excellent pollinators and, hence, very great for the environment. But at the same time, carpenter bees can cause extensive damage to your house. Here we are going to mention everything about how to get rid of carpenter bees.
1.Try a mix of Oils:
When planning to keep carpenter bees away, try using a mix and match of diverse oils. Oils like lavender oil, Jojoba oil, and tree-tea oil have soothing properties to keep carpenter bees away. Once you have mixed the different oils, blend them, and keep them inside a bottle. Now, pour the entire mixture into the area where you want to repel carpenter bees. You can prepare citrus essential oils also for deterring carpenter bees. Use orange, lemons, lime, and grapefruit to prepare citrus essential oil, and use the spray in an area where you want to deter the presence of carpenter bees.
2. Ensure to distract the bees by using sound:
An effective sound can easily distract carpenter bees and make a particular area of your home free. If you want to keep the carpenter bees away from your home, you can use speakers or else wind chimes. Their sounds will easily distract the carpenter bees and will also help you to keep your wooden surface free of these bee infections.
3. Seal the Infected Holes:
If the carpenter bees have already infested some parts of your nest, you should take swift action to seal the infected holes or drill holes. If the infected part already has carpenter bees, you can use a carpenter bee trap. After that seal the hole with a wooden putty.
4. Use Boric acid to deter Carpenter Bees:
Pondering for a long time on how to get rid of carpenter bees? Using boric acid to repel the carpenter bees from your home will certainly help you out. Use the quantity of a 3:1 ratio for water and carpenter bees respectively. Put this spray in a bottle and you will see that this spray of water and boric acid has helped you to get rid of these carpenter bees.
5. Apply Paint:
Carpenter bees are a kind of bee that attacks untreated and unattended wood. Therefore, the first defence line that should hit your mind is to apply a fresh coat of paint on the wooden surfaces. It will repel carpenter bees and make your wooden surfaces shine. Even if you do not want to invest on a quality paint and decide to leave the wood as it is, you should plug and seal the wood. Because the batches of carpenter bees infect the places where they have already done the damage.
6.Use Peppermint:
Carpenter bees hate the pungent smell of peppermint. Therefore, to deter bees from making nests in different parts of your house, you must keep the pots of peppermint in the infected area. Using peppermint will redirect the carpenter bees toward a new location. You can also make use of peppermint oil to keep the infected places free from the swarms of carpenter bees. Also, think of using almond oils as they are proficient in repelling the carpenter bees from their nests.
7. Opt for Pyrethrum Spray:
If you wanna keep carpenter bees away from your home, you can ensure using Pyrethrum spray. This spray is extremely helpful in keeping the carpenter bees away from your nest. If you notice a batch of carpenter bees in and around your home, spraying this Pyrethrum, which is a flower used in many natural pesticides, will help you out. If you are searching for different ways about how to get rid of carpenter bees, opting for this wonderful spray will help you a lot.
8. Give them Nesting Options:
One of the most amazing ways to keep carpenter bees at bay is to give them alternative nesting options. If you want to ensure that these bees do not nest in or around your home, it is in your hands to provide them with alternative nesting options. For example, let them rest in your backyard under untreated pine or cedar lumber. Arrange their natural nest as soon as possible to keep them from infecting your home.
9. Go for a Chemical Treatment:
If you find that even after repeated treatments, you are not able to keep carpenter bees at bay, you should use a chemical treatment. Opting for a suitable chemical treatment will aid you to keep these bees away from your home and let you enjoy a peaceful life.
10. Mimic a Wasp Nest:
You may not be aware that carpenter bees never form their nest in the area where wasps form these nests. Therefore, learn to build a wasp nest and mimic it to curb the arrival of these carpenter bees in a particular area.
The Closing Thoughts:
We hope that with these methods, you have learned everything about “how to get rid of carpenter bees.” Apart from the above-mentioned methods, a golden tip to keep these carpenter bees away from your home is to smash them using a tennis racket. Also, don’t hesitate to invest in the seasonal maintenance of these wooden structures. With all these tips and tricks, it is easy to keep the swarms of carpenter bees away from your home and minimise their attacks.